
OK, no arguments that wandering troubahacker Cory Arcangel is engaging, amusing and lively as the host of "this old software," his cooking the music video show, and I think he definitely gets points for acknowledging and sharing his process and ripoff n' remash sensibility, as opposed to treating the creative sweat of his brow as proprietary property that needs to be protected from all future hacks.




I couldn't help noticing how much his Guns n Roses mashup reminded me of not just the Steve Reich piece that sort of birthed it (\"clapping music\" under "multimedia/video") but of some early computer video work by John Whitney that I saw in the early '80s. Essentially, those pieces were elegant manifestations of their planning, mathematical patterns transliterated into moving electronic forms that wrapped up to a calculated harmony after playing out their algorithmic engines. Back then, after the audience was wowed by one of Whitney's pieces and responded with appreciative applause, I turned to a friend of mine and said, full-tilt contemptuous smirk on my face, "Do they clap when the phone rings?" So I'll just appropriate my 20-some-year-old response here in response to Arcangel. (No need to fashion anything new when you've already got it covered in the archive, eh?)


The thing is, I think, for Cory Arcangel, the answer might be "yes." And more power of wonder to him.